WAL FAWC Caerau Ely vs Newport City: 2024/08/17 Info & Prediksi Odds Pertandingan Sepak Bola

Statistik pertandingan

Statistik Pertandingan 10 Terbaru

Last 3,Got 1 Win 2 Lose 0 Draw, Goals for 2.Goals against 5.
AVG Goals for 0.7, Average Goals against 1.7, Win Rate:33%, Handicap Winning Rate:0%, Over's Rate: 100%.

Rata-Rata Stats

Rata-Rata Gol Stat

GF Tim
GF All
GA Tim
Over Gol

Rata-Rata Corners

Corner Team
Corner Semua

Rata-Rata Handicap

Handicap Win Rate
Win Rate
+1.2Selisih Gol+1.0

Caerau Ely & Newport City Rata-Rata Gol, Tembakan, Tendangan Sudut, Handicap & lainnya

Welsh Cymru South


The latest standings in the Welsh Cymru South are updated as of 2024/07/02 21:51.
Currently, Caerau Ely holds the 4th position in the league, while Newport City ranks at the 9th spot. The gap between the two teams stands at - points, indicating the competitive landscape of the league. Stay tuned for more updates and in-depth analysis of team performances and league dynamics.

Tentang pertandingan:

Caerau Ely and Newport City
Jangan lewatkan pertandingan seru Welsh Cymru South: Caerau Ely vs. Newport City pada 2024/08/17 02:30! FootballAnt adalah panduan pertandingan Anda, telah disetujui oleh jutaan penggemar, dan mencakup analisis data historis, skor langsung(live score), dan analisis peristiwa mendalam. Nikmati semua aksi langsung di - (alamat: -) hari ini atau unduh aplikasi FootballAnt, aplikasi sepak bola terbaik di pasaran, di mana Anda dapat menemukan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengikuti pertandingan dan meningkatkan pengalaman sepak bola Anda.