How to bet on the Premier League and win

How to bet on the Premier League and win

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When betting on the Premier League, there are a number of things you can do to improve your chances of generating profits. Most of these apply to football betting regardless of what league, division or tournament your are placing bets on . The most important of these include:

  • Bet only when there is value

  • Specialise in certain markets

  • Apply a consistent staking method

  • Keep detailed records of your bets

  • Have accounts with multiple bookmakers


Knowledge is power. And when it comes to beating the bookmakers, knowledge is money. Make no mistake, when it comes to beating bookmaker odds, the Premier League is one of the most difficult leagues to beat. We’re not just talking football leagues either. Stack up any sports league across the world against the Premier League, and you’ll find that Premier League odds are as accurate as any.


Because the Premier League is one of the most bet on sports leagues on the planet. The sheer volume of money bet on any Premier League match on a typical weekend reflects thousands of astute opinions. It’s that volume of considered opinion that creates what is often referred to as an ‘efficient betting market’, meaning the odds are an accurate reflection of each clubs chances of winning the contest. 

Only the most astute football bettors make money betting on the Premier League. If you’re up for the challenge you need to research. Study everything you can. Premier League news, Premier League stats, upcoming Premier League fixtures, injuries, suspensions, head-to-head records, study everything you can.

Here are our recommended sites for Premier League stats and news: